This small village of approximately 500 people has two wonderful churches in which there are regular services. They are both worth a visit and please click on the links to learn a little about their history.
The local community has accepted the responsibility to maintain these buildings for future generations, and the Abberley Churches Restoration Fund Committee arranges regular events to raise funds to cover ongoing repair work. Please see the Restoration Fund page to learn about forthcoming events. The Westlyn Woodturner has also in the past provided an additional source of income. He is no longer turning, but please visit his site to see a gallery of some of his items.
We have raised and spent over £200,000 over the last twelve years and if you would like to support our efforts please send us an email.
This tapestry on the left, which hangs in St Mary's, was made to celebrate the new millennium, and during its construction virtually everyone in the village contributed a few stitches.
The hanging on the right is in St Michael's and this, like the Millennium tapestry, was created by the team of embroiderers who produced all the wonderful kneelers in St Mary's and the seat cushions in St Michael's.